Koku Solar Institute of Business and Technology
Online Certification Program in Learn and Earn from Solar Energy:
Be a Solar Expert at Your Convenience:
Solar realizes your need to enter the huge opportunity coming up in Solar Energy Industry. Understanding your pre-occupation and busy schedules, Koku Solar offers you an online training program that can be pursued without affecting your normal routine and add an additional source of income.
For better flexibility, the program is broken up in various modules with respect to fees, time and content.
One to One Model:
Each participant is personally attended for better understanding and in-depth knowledge with less than 24 hours of down time.
Less Theory More Practical:
Theories provide basic knowledge. Practical exercise fine tunes the knowledge and offers an experience. Every topic provides an online test and a practical exercise. This forms the part of project assignment. Credits are offered for successful results from tests and projects.
Earn while you learn:
Participants are offered challenging opportunities to actually earn during the training. Credits to fees and certification are offered that build confidence and bring success stories for each one.
Intended Outcome:
To be an expert in creating Income and wealth by closing the orders and successfully executing the projects.
Online Certification Program in Learn and Earn from Solar Energy:
The complete training of 17 lessons, Just for
Pay now by GPAY to 9820037904
अब आप हिंदी में भी सीखिए!
जैसे आप जानते हैं... जितने छत उतने सोलर के ग्राहक!
जैसे हर साल बिजली के भाव बढ़ेंगे वैसे सोलर पावर की मांग बढ़ेगी! आने वाले १०
सालों में सोलर में बहुत रोजगार मिलने की संभावना हैं!
सबसे ख़ास बात यह हैं की आप इसे अपना स्वतंत्र व्यवसाय बना सकते हैं!
व्यवसाय या नौकरी के अलावा हर एक को सोलर की जानकारी लेना आवश्यक होगा!
इसीलिए कोकु सोलर लाये हैं आप के लिए ख़ास हिंदी में ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण !
आसान भाषा और व्यक्तिगत प्रशिक्षण एवं अवलोकन!
६ मॉड्यूल्स और २५ अध्याय सिर्फ रूपए ९९९!
यह ऑफर सिमित समय तक!
(नियम और शर्ते अनुसार)
अभी दर्ज कीजिये!
सिर्फ रूपए ९९९!
अधिक जानकारी के लिए कॉल कीजिये ९८२००३७९०४
Course Content:
First Module:
- How Solar Works
- Installation and Working of Solar Roof Top Plant
- Business Models
- Investment, Saving, Return on Investment, Internal Rate of Return
Second Module:
- Components and Parts of Solar Roof Top Plant
- Importance, Functions, Performance, how it Works of:
- Components, Solar Panel, Inverter and other parts
Third Module:
- Why to adopt Solar Power?
- Who is the most eligible customer? Solar Thumb Rules
- Different categories of customer
Fourth Module:
- Steps and Process for acquiring an order
- Benchmark cost
Fifth Module:
- Preparation of Indicative Proposal for Customer
- Site Survey
- Design and layout
- Customized Selection of Components and Bill of Material
- Cost Sheet
- Techno-commercial proposal for customer Negotiation and order
Final Module:
- Net Metering Policy
- Open Access Policy
- Procurement, Execution and commissioning
- Operation and Maintenance
- Performance Monitoring
- After Sales Services
- Business Opportunities
Module Includes:
Course material includes pdf and videos, test and practical, model answers and guidelines to complete the practical, online help through mails and chat. Call for critical help.
Performance and Evaluation:
Every module has tests and practical assignment.
Credits are offered for each test and practical.
Each module will have 200 credits. Maximum each participant can earn is 1200 credits.
Participants scoring 500 credits in first three modules are entitled to be Koku Solar Channel
Partner Free of cost!
Participants scoring 800 and above credit are entitled to Certification for Completing the training.